Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Two more weeks until a new term....

I'm already signed up for classes for the next term; I just have to get things settled with Financial Aid and Student Accounts, and I should be okay, having only to pay for books for the classes that I'm taking next quarter. I finally got myself a laptop, which has Office 2007 installed. So that means no more trekking on train to Berkeley College in Newark to do my PowerPoint, Excell, and Word projects; I can do them from the comfort of my own home or the library (sometimes I'll want to carry my laptop with me to the library, and they have outlets for plugging them in and working on whatever it is you want to work on).

I'm really excited, because I don't have much longer to go with regard to my education at Berkeley College. At the same time, though, I'm feeling a little of the apprehension that Vanessa felt at venturing out into the working world with the degree you've secured and not being able to support yourself adequately or finding the career of your choosing. But I'll face it like I face every other challenge: head-on and without flinching. I think of the students in the movie "The Great Debaters" and how they didn't allow injustice or any other hardships to dissuade or discourage them from reaching their goals. Neither must I.

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