Saturday, March 21, 2009

Next week is the last week of this quarter....

I have been working steadily, and I'm reaping the rewards of all my hard work. I cannot complain about this quarter, because while everything hasn't been smooth sailing, I can say that this quarter, I haven't let it deter me. And I'm going to continue along this same of working toward my goal so that I can accomplish it that much faster. A positive attitude can make all the difference when you're working toward a goal and you feel like you wanna give up (late-night crams, research papers, etc.).

My sister is still saying that she wants to go back to school (she graduated from New Jersey City University in 1998). So again, I'm going to encourage her to look at post-graduate programs that Berkeley offers. There are a few campuses in New York, so she shouldn't have any trouble finding one (in fact, there's a campus in Manhattan, and she lives in Brooklyn). She also wants to do it online, so I'm going to encourage and at the same time, make her aware that she'll really have to schedule her time so that she can give the necessary attention to her work and studies and still be able to put everything else in its proper place. It's not always easy, but it can be done; and it'll be well worth it in the end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Possibly a bit off topic, but would you be so kind as to explain to me the process behind online classes such as Math. How is homework done?, how is math graded? Are there weekly tests/a mid term and a final exam? The more details the better. I'm very intrested.