Friday, December 4, 2009

It's drawing ever closer....

"What's that?" you may ask. Why, my commencement, of course!! I'm very excited that after this quarter, I only have one more quarter to complete. I have to finish filling out the application for my upcoming internship with my current employer; I just received an email from the Career Services department, so I plan to tend to that immediately. I also got an email from the media department, asking me if I wanted to share my experiences as an online student. ABSOLUTELY!!! I would love to share my experiences with incoming students, as well as current new students who are just wrapping up their first quarter here. I also plan to respond quickly to this email, as well. I think it would be really helpful to those students to hear another student's perspective about learning online vs. learning on campus; after all, the students are the ones who are taking the classes and getting the hands-on experience, and are in the best position to talk about the school. I would also tell them how I came to choose Berkeley College over other colleges in New Jersey. So I'd be a student liaison of sorts (kinda like with this blog, where I update students and faculty alike on what's been going on with me and my classes). I would like to, in the future, be a part of any open houses that Berkeley College may have.

This week in Finance 4o5, we're discussing the concept of wealth management and how it relates to planning for retirement. With wealth management, you are involving financial and tax planning, as well as asset and debt management (how to increase assets and cash flow while reducing debt so as to not skimp on the future). This is a very important topic, as many people only focus on the monetary aspect of retirement and wealth management. This is erroneous and dangerous thinking that could leave one severely hindered at the retirement age. So we do well to consider the various ways in which to accumulate wealth and plan for our retirement.

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