Saturday, September 12, 2009

The new quarter is almost here!!!

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and at the same time getting ready for school. Have you gotten your schedules, books, room assignments, and all that? And for seniors, do you know where you'll be doing your internships (if you plan on doing them this quarter)? And to our new students, I welcome you with open arms--virtually, anyway, since I'm an online student--to Berkeley College. You will be challenged in ways that will enhance your learning experience and prepare you for the real world when you graduate. And if you're a returning student, stick with it and stay with it. There will be times when you're ready to throw in the towel or second guess your decision and ask yourself, "Is any of this worth it?" Believe me, it is definitely worth it to plan for your future and those of your loved ones.

Speaking of sticking with it and staying with it, I must confess it hasn't been easy for me this summer. There's just been a lot that I've been dealing with on the home and work fronts, and sometimes school has fallen by the wayside. But then I remember why I got back into school in the first place, and that strengthens my resolve to stick with it and to challenge myself for the next quarter. So I'm saying that while it may not always be easy to do, you have to focus and do your absolute best. Now having pinpointed a few of the issues that have distracted me from time to time in my scholastic endeavors, I'm just going to work harder to get through school and my studies successfully.

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