Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This week in feminism, we're learning about labels and how we objectify each other with said labels. One of the things we talked about was the language that men use to refer to women and how it's no different from the other abusive epithets that are hurled at others. Words such as "chick", "doll", "breezie", and other less-than-endearing terms are internalized by women on a constant basis. We face many slights from men and from society at large, even among other women. When we look at popular culture, it's always the supersexy woman who gets the guy, usually with a dress tight enough to make her eyes pop out of her head if she took one deep breath. The smart woman is usually seen as a "nerd" or "homely" or "dowdy"--as if society doesn't recognize smart, beautiful women. If a woman happens to be endowed physically, some men feel that they can talk to her in a sexually suggestive manner, perhaps even crowding her space or groping her. They may even conclude that she's a certain "type" of woman who deserves the type of treatment that they dish out. It is getting very interesting, I must say.

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