Monday, April 21, 2008

My poor algebra professor was in the hospital this week, which is why he couldn't give us the feedback we needed on some of our homework problems. He did, however, leave a comment on the homework assignment that I did this past week; I got a 5 out of 5, which is basically an A for that homework assignment. He told me that the answers to some of the problems that I didn't get right were posted in the HW solution document that he had posted. I also got my grade back for my first algebra test; it was a C. I was hoping to do better, but at least I passed. But next time, A all the way.

I'm also really enjoying the discussions we've been having in our Finance class. Most of the discussions have had to do with investing, whether it be in the banks, in retirement funds, in stock markets, or in bonds. But what it all ties into, essentially, is how the Fed controls the monetary policy in this and other countries, and how a shift to the left or the right can have a major impact on the monetary policies we now operate under.

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