Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I'm really starting to understand and enjoy business math. At first, it was a bit daunting, and I'd think to myself, "How am I possibly going to succeed in business if I don't even understand this stuff?" But again, I have to go back to Professor Luing. She might not realize it, but she often gives little hints throughout when she posts the discussion topic on the Discussion Board. So once I read the chapter and do the work, I find that I can participate with confidence, knowing that I not only am familiar with the material, but that I understand it (and it showed in last week's GHA; got 17 out of 20 points, whereas before, it was 14 out of 20). And in an odd sort of way, it's related to the work that I do in Excel. In business, Excel is used frequently, and the AutoSum and SUM features are used frequently, as well. And as my major is finance, it's important to grasp the concepts and functions needed to succeed.

I saw some accounting courses, as well, that I might want to take for the Spring quarter (but that's yet a ways away). This will mean more math, of course, but I feel I'm up to the challenge this time around.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

I really like the way that Berkeley College interacts with us, particularly those of us who are taking courses online. As far as updates on activities that take place on various campuses (like the "Dracula" play and the upcoming trip to Philadelphia with the Multicultural Club) and e-mail reminders to us to sign up for registration, there is no shortage of information to take in. The faculty really seems to be in tune with the needs of the students, and helping them to develop as well-rounded individuals in today's society.

Take the online polls, for instance, getting the opinions of everybody on issues ranging from free speech to recycling. And then there are the periodic e-mails regarding job fairs that are sponsored by the College. I can honestly say that I've never experienced this with either of the two previous schools I attended.

Friday, October 26, 2007

So I'm all set for the winter quarter...

I'm all signed up for the next quarter, and I'm taking the following classes:

CIS 125
SOC 105
BUS 265
HUM 220 (Philosophy)

It's amazing; I feel like I just signed up for the fall quarter, and here the winter quarter is almost upon us. But at least I've gotten it done early and not waited until the absolute last minute like I used to--and then wonder why I couldn't get the classes I wanted. I tried to keep most of the classes in line with my current major. I'm considering possibly taking courses in the summer, as well. But that isn't until another quarter or two. Now that I've selected my classes, I can get an early start on getting the books I need for the quarter (and getting the Dell laptop computer so that I don't have to try and get all my homework done before it gets extremely busy where I work; ironically, we're preparing for registration for classes, too).

A little off subject, but I'm hoping I can also get involved with some of the student activities on some of the Berkeley campuses in succeeding quarters. They seem fun and educational all at the same time.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I'm really enjoying the Berkeley Online polls, particularly this one on recycling. I'll be honest, though; recycling wasn't something that ever really appealed to me until my adult years. Before then, I'd just chuck my soda cans/bottles into the nearest trash receptacle. Then when I started understanding just HOW much plastic, paper, aluminum we waste, it serves us all well to take action. We need to start taking better care of the earth so that it can continue to provide for us (as I'm learning in my Environmental Science course). I'm also sadly learning the consequences of species competing for resources and dying off when the air, water, and food qualities are not satisfactory (having had to get rid of two dead goldfish in the past two days, after which I BAWLED). But maybe the other two will now have a fighting chance and survive long enough for us to get a tank where they can be their free fish selves. And if not, I'll know what to do in the future to prevent it from happening again. See how I can take even a tragedy like that and apply what I've learned in class? It's a little macabre when I think about it, though.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Well, I think I know what I want to take...

I just contacted Advisement and they gave me a listing of courses that I could register for and take during the Winter quarter. I see a lot of marketing and finance courses, as well as the Soc105 course that I was to take originally. CIS 125 looks like another interesting course, as well.

I'm slightly disappointed that the college doesn't offer language courses, but it's nothing I can't handle. I have books at home on how to speak conversationally and the like in Spanish, so I'll just have to buckle down and do it. In addition to these online courses that I want to take, I have to sneak in time to study for my driver's license so that should the need arise, I can drive out to one of the campuses (for some student activity, coursework, etc.). I have no problem getting to the Newark campus, as the train station is centrally located in the center of town where I live, and it drops me right off on Broad Street. A 10-minute walk, and boom! I'm there.

But I would like to get more involved with student activities, so I'll keep these big eyes open on the Blackboard.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Wow, winter quarter registration is already upon us....

It's amazing that this is already the fourth week of classes. Time really does fly when you're having fun (or are extremely busy). I'm finding that I've had to forfeit certain other activities to get my work done, but it'll be worth it in the end. Plus, you know me: gotta send the right message to the kiddies that you have priorities in life. And once you care for your priorities, everything else will balance itself out. This is not to say I've led an INCREDIBLY dull life since going back to school; in fact, it's been anything but dull. I'm just learning that certain things I'll have to give up for now (you know, sacrifice the temporary for the long-term). But I've gotten to know and communicate with lots of great people online, and they are willing to help in any way they can.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I can't make heads or tails of this thing....

This Excel Project 3 has got me going BONKERS!!!!! I honestly don't get this whole assumptions/absolute references thing, not to mention the figures at the end of the whole thing don't match. I'm going to have to BEG somebody for help, as Prof. Buonaguro isn't in town and has no easily accessibility to the Blackboard. At least the chart seems to be okay. But I don't want to get a bad grade on this project. I've been doing good so far, and I don't wanna mess up.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

So I'm having a little trouble with business math....

Just when I think I have it down pat, there's always something in the problem that I didn't consider. But graciously, Professor Luing has volunteered her services to me. Maybe I can see where I'm going wrong when it comes to word-problem solving, which has never been my strongest point. If I can see the problem set up in front of me, then follow the examples from that chapter in the book, it makes it easier. But when I have to rely on the verbal information, that's where it gets tricky.

So, a word of advice for all freshman (or anybody struggling in a class): If you're having a problem, don't hesitate to tell your professors. They can help you before it's too late and you're already too far gone. I made the same mistakes when I first attended college; the first couple of semesters were a breeze, and then the harder classes came. But instead of asking for help, I would simply 'study harder' and hope that the information would sink in. But sometimes you just need outside assistance. I could've avoided flunking ANY of my classes if I had simply gone to my professors or the Academic Learning Center assistants for help.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

I'm ready for the weekend!!!!

I am done with all of my assignments for the week, which means I have an hour or two to breathe before I have to start all over again. But I've learned a trick: to start reading ahead of time. That way, the information is fresh in my mind, and I'll have little trouble with the assignment (if any). I just submitted what I thought would be a monster of a homework assignment. But you know, that's why the professors are there: to help you and make sure you get the most out of the course. They're not these big, scary people out to get you with their big, scary subjects. They've been there and can show you the benefit of their expertise. I definitely recommend Professor Luing to anyone looking to take an online course.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Hard work DOES pay off!!!

I just got back the results of two of my assignments for Environmental Science. I got 9 out of ten correct answers on my GHA and 18 out of 20 points for my essay on the movie "A Civil Action". And to think, I never really considered myself a science head. But I actually like environmental science. To think that we could affect the earth in major ways (by our carefulness or carelessness) is mind-boggling. What we've started doing at work (and at home, I'm happy to say) is recycling. We have to take care of the earth so that it can continue to take care of us.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Two down, two to go.....

Environmental Science and BusinessAdm110 (Business Math) are all I have to finish up for the week. One is a Case Assignment dealing with Payroll and the other is a GHA dealing with ecosystems and evolution. The thing that I've started doing (which is what I should've been doing to begin with) is taking notes in those classes. That way, the information has a better chance of sinking in versus me trying to make it stick.

I hope all is well with you, my fellow bloggers. I hope you're getting the great grades you deserve.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Finally getting the hang of the Discussion Board....

When you think about it, too, the Discussion Board is actually beneficial. You just might gain some insight into a particular question or reading that you never considered. That's what the college experience should be all about: exchanging of ideas, participation in enthusiastic discussions, etc. The online difference is online, you can't read the expressions of others, but can read the 'expressions' of their postings online.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


I am finished with my first homework assignment for the week for CIS 120. It is a challenging class, particularly when you have to complete a lab with just the figures and information you've been given. I feel like I made a mistake on one of the worksheets; the chart position in the book was different from the outcome of my own chart (although the information was the same). Hopefully, I'm not penalized too badly for it. Then again, maybe that's the way it's supposed to look. Maybe I'm just second-guessing it too much. We'll see when I get my grade, and perhaps the professor can tell me where I went wrong.

Monday, October 8, 2007


I'm finally caught up with my two weeks' worth of work, and I'm almost done with my first assignment for the week. My Environmental Science professor hasn't posted our assignment as of yet, so I'll just review what I've read and the GHA Assignment for Week 2. It could just be because of Columbus Day, but I'll be checking in again, at any rate.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

To my fellow bloggers....

What are your majors? I recently changed mine from Business Administration/Management to Finance/Financial Services. I've come to realize just how interested I am in money (not in the materialistic sense, though, but more regarding percentages and averages and all): how it's made, how it's circulated, the different currencies, etc.

I had a lady tell me that she wouldn't want my field of study for anything, because she'd be bored. Eh, well, different strokes for different folks. ;)

Friday, October 5, 2007

My first Excel project....

My mom was right when she said that Excel was easy to learn. I thought I would be slaving over the computer keys for HOURS, but all it took was following directions, and presto! I had my first assignment in for CIS 120. I am now finishing up my second assignment and will be submitting it shortly to my professor for grading. I didn't save it on a floppy disk, though, as I didn't have any readily available, so I may get a few points taken off for it. Maybe this morning I can run out to CVS and pick up a floppy disk so that I can save it properly and get a good grade for following all directions properly. Then on to CIS 104, Math, and Environmental Science. This weekend promises to be a busy one, eh? But this is all catch-up work, so next week I shouldn't be rushing to play catch up.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I wonder if Berkeley College offers language courses? I would be particularly interested in conversational Spanish. I took Spanish in UCC (Union County College), but although I passed the course, I still don't speak Spanish fluently. And being that I'm going into a field where I'm sure to meet people of all different backgrounds, it's important to be able to communicate with them to see what their unique needs are and whether I can help them meet those needs.

I would also like to take French and Italian. I just wanted to be well-rounded. It would help me in other areas of my life, as well.

Dell Computers...

So, I've been noticing on the Berkeley Blackboard that Dell has a partnership with the school. I'm going to be looking into purchasing a computer through the school and Dell. My computer at home has gone kaput all of a sudden, and having to vascillate between the library and work is not fun, nor is it especially convenient or easy. In fact, that's one of the things I plan to get working on in the next few weeks. On the plus side, 4 of my 5 schoolbooks have arrived, so now I can finally get crackin' on my assignments (I have to post on the Discussion Boards, too, to show that I've been keeping up with assignments and readings).

But back to my original subject: I think it's pretty cool that the school has a partnership such as this one. It's reasonably priced so that practically anyone can afford a computer if they need one. And my niece can share it with me for when she does her own schoolwork so that I don't have to wait for her for one half-hour after school when she comes running from the computer lab. The first week was a little rough, but I think things are finally falling into place for me. ;)

Oh, btw, thanks for the encouraging words, Vanessa.

Monday, October 1, 2007

I urge all of you....

Whether you are returning to school after a few years or are attending for the first time, PLEASE make sure to order your books on time. That way, you won't have to play the waiting game. In fact, make sure you have money set aside for all of your expenses and don't pinch off of it for other 'necessities': clothes, food, music, etc.

I am now waiting for books as we speak; I've gotten two of them already, but not the ones needed for assignments that were due. So I've got to accept whatever penalties may be imposed for the first few missing assignments, due to my own unpreparedness.

Lesson learned for next semester. :(